SR&ED Material Expenditures

2023. 10. 9. 04:23SR&ED

Materials definition

All the raw materials, substances, or items that constitute the body of a thing at a specific point in the SR&ED process are eligible for inclusion in your SR&ED expenditures, including items such as:

  • Consumables, like lab supplies and test materials
  • Raw materials used to create prototypes
  • Prototype materials
  • Testing and measurement equipment
  • Materials for systematic experimentation
  • Materials for building prototypes

These materials should directly relate to your research and development work, and their use should be well-documented.

Material Consumed
  • Absorbed
  • Used up
  • Broken down
  • Destroyed

Material Transformed
  • Changed or incorporated into product or process
  • Materials transformed sold = Investment tax credit recapture

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