Characteristics of an SR&ED Project

2023. 10. 6. 11:44SR&ED


Predictable or unexplored outcome Unknown outcome with absolute risk of technological failure if solution not found.
Troubleshooting, trial & error, optimization of known parameters Experimental
Known concepts New concepts
Accesses existing knowledge/abilities Creates new knowledge/abilities
Solves typical/routine problems Solves unusual problems
Uses existing knowledge Seeks new knowledge

'SR&ED' 카테고리의 다른 글

SR&ED Salary and Wage Expenditures  (0) 2023.10.08
Allowable SR&ED Expenditures  (0) 2023.10.08
An SR&ED Project Start and End  (0) 2023.10.05
SR&ED Documentation and Other Supporting Technical Evidence  (0) 2023.10.05
Is There SR&ED?  (0) 2023.10.04