분류 전체보기(24)
SR&ED Third-Party Payment Expenditures
Payment to specific Canadian corporations and tax-exempt entities, including universities and research institutes, is included. The payer can benefit from the results and receive early notifications but cannot control the work being conducted.
2023.10.09 -
SR&ED Contract Expenditures
Contract Expenditures SR&ED on your behalf, related to your business and conducted in Canada Taxable suppliers Arm’s length Non-arm's length - individuals are those who collaborate with shared interests or have a family or business relationship
2023.10.09 -
SR&ED Material Expenditures
Materials definition All the raw materials, substances, or items that constitute the body of a thing at a specific point in the SR&ED process are eligible for inclusion in your SR&ED expenditures, including items such as: Consumables, like lab supplies and test materials Raw materials used to create prototypes Prototype materials Testing and measurement equipment Materials for systematic experim..
2023.10.09 -
SR&ED Salary and Wage Expenditures
Salaries and wages are one of the eligible expenditure categories that businesses can claim as part of their SR&ED tax credit applications. T4’d Employees Directly engaged in SR&ED Some allowance for first-level supervision Must be paid within 180 days of the end of the tax year Specified Employees Directly engaged in SR&ED Owns is related to someone who owns or owns together with a related pers..
2023.10.08 -
Allowable SR&ED Expenditures
Salaries and Wages Salary and Wage Expenditures refer to the eligible expenses associated with the compensation paid to employees directly involved in conducting SR&ED work. For additional details on salary and wage expenditures, kindly consult https://sredx.tistory.com/entry/Salary-and-Wage-Expenditures SR&ED Salary and Wage Expenditures Salaries and wages are one of the eligible expenditure ca..
2023.10.08 -
Characteristics of an SR&ED Project
Non-SR&ED SR&ED Predictable or unexplored outcome Unknown outcome with absolute risk of technological failure if solution not found. Troubleshooting, trial & error, optimization of known parameters Experimental Known concepts New concepts Accesses existing knowledge/abilities Creates new knowledge/abilities Solves typical/routine problems Solves unusual problems Uses existing knowledge Seeks new..